
by - sexta-feira, junho 26, 2015

It is easy to pretend,
To hide the face of the end 
When only words of sorrow remain,
To echo in a moment to entertain. 

But who was wrong?
Who turned off the song?
Who get the blame
When there is a different aim?

A terrible decision, 
Or a kind of mistake... 
Maybe the right position,
And the best way to take. 

Can you see the New Ocean?
It is Cold, Distant and Gray. 
Can you see the Mountain erosion? 
It is gradually corroding day by day.

And so this is the life hit
Playing, Changing and Turning.
But  we continue living it
Forgetting that is no returning.

(Imagem: Black Art Revolution - Google Search)
Desculpem por não fazer uma tradução, mas iria ficar sem as rimas e perderia a essência do poema.

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2 comentários

  1. Amei o post! Essa parte ♥ ''A terrible decision,
    Or a kind of mistake...
    Maybe the right position,
    And the best way to take. ''

    1. Ahhhh, nossa fiquei MEGA feliz com seu comentário! Achei que as meninas nem iriam ler este poema. Obrigada,Dani! Beijão. ;)


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